The Modern Medicine Approach
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “the wonders of modern medicine”. It is true that many wonderful advances have occurred in the medical field over the past 60 years which have assisted patients to combat disease. But conventional, modern medicine frankly has limitations primarily in the treatment of chronic health issues. Unfortunately, your physician’s treatment toolbox remains limited when it comes to treating and/ or preventing chronic health conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease, stroke, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic prostatitis, and many more. These chronic health issues continue to cause suffering in a significant number of the population and account for the greatest burden to the medical system.
Drugs, surgery, radiation treatments (for cancer) are the tools and backbone of our current modern medical system. While drugs and surgery are effective for emergency and urgent health issues, these tools fail most people with chronic health conditions. Yes, for certain health problems, for example high blood pressure, drugs can often control symptoms. But the drugs your doctor prescribes for chronic health issues rarely treat the root cause of the problem. Additionally, pharmaceutical drugs have the potential for serious morbidity and even mortality as they alter the normal functioning biochemistry of the body.

A Better System for Health and Wellness
So the key question is…..Is there another approach to chronic health issues that works better either as an alternative to drugs and surgery or as an assistive adjunct to them. The answer is a definitive YES. Let me explain why. Modern conventional medicine is based on diagnosing and treating organ deterioration/ failure. It is a system that has developed based on the field of Pathology….the study of disease. However, there is another system of medical inquiry which addresses alterations in the body that is better suited to chronic disease prevention and wellness promotion.
There are two disciplines medical students are required to study early in their medical school education called Biochemistry and Physiology. Biochemistry allows doctors to understand the subtle and small-scale interactions at the molecular level that govern normal bodily responses. Physiology provides a thorough understanding of how all the organs should function in a normal state of health. Applying knowledge from the combination of these two disciplines enables physicians to completely understand how the body is supposed to function in its optimum state. So by moving the focus away from finding the end stage of organ malfunction called disease, the focus becomes the understanding of determining where the body has veered from its normal biochemistry and physiology allowing physicians to intervene early, safely and effectively to return the organ systems to their NORMAL OPTIMAL FUNCTION. This new paradigm in medicine has been termed Functional Medicine based on its focus on diagnosing and addressing changes in the body’s normal biochemistry and physiology functioning. While conventional medicine looks to find and name a disease in order to intervene by altering the body to a new state ( not necessarily its original, normal state but a new place with less symptoms), functional medicine seeks to determine how the organs and body have moved away from their optimal, normal functioning biochemical and physiologic state and seeks to return the body to its original normal functioning place through a myriad of safe, natural methods. Functional medicine understands that there is generally not a single “magic drug” that returns the body to its original optimum place of health but a multi-pronged diagnostic and treatment approach that has the potential to return the body to its highest functioning level of optimum health.
Functional Medicine
This functional medicine approach is the foundation of the 9 Pillars of Health (See Below). When you read and follow the principles found within the 9 Pillars of Health you will, in essence, become your own functional medicine practitioner. You will have the knowledge and tools to move your body back to its best functioning biochemistry and physiology. In doing so, you not only can alleviate bothersome symptoms but allow your body, through its own innate wisdom, to alter the root cause of the problem. One of the best parts of this is that the necessary interventions generally have no or minimal side effects. Interestingly, these Functional Medicine 9 Pillars of Health are not only the foundation for regaining your health for those who are chronically ill but are also the same principles necessary for those who currently feel well and desire to prevent illness, maintain health and achieve an extended life of wellness. So, whether you desire to regain your lost health, prevent future health issues or enhance your longevity health-span the information and tools are the same.

The Functional Medicine Tools for Regaining and Maintaining Health
You choose the order that you approach the information on the site. But know that your ability to attain optimum health now and into the future is a combination of the knowledge you obtain from within the site and the incorporation of The Tools provided. It is not necessary or expected for you to incorporate every tool at once. This could be overwhelming for many. You are each on your own health journey and so should utilize the information and tools in a way that works for your own situation and health journey. The human body has developed over a great deal of time as a highly complex intelligent system. So even “natural interventions” as described within take the body time to assimilate. For some it might be three months but for others it could be a year. This requires some patience on your part. As you follow the recommendations within, you will find that as you support your body’s innate intelligence consistently and patiently it will, over time, positively respond and move back to its optimum state of well-being.
The Future
My primary goal is to allow you to take control of your own health in essence being your own functional medicine practitioner. However, the future may offer more effective treatments from the medical community than are currently available. There is currently an explosion of new technological advances that will become available over the next 10 to 15 years to assist you in your health journey. With an accelerated growth in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing rapid changes will be occurring in medicine. Researchers are right now actively pursuing high tech medical advances in stem cell research, gene editing, metabolomics (cell metabolism effects) and epigenetics (turning genes on and off) and much more that will impact your current and future health. I will try to keep you updated on safe and effective breakthroughs in these areas as they become available. But for now, it’s time to focus on the tools available to you here and now to safely and effectively address your health and long-term wellness. So let’s get started!

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The Future
My primary goal is to allow you to take control of your own health in essence being your own functional medicine practitioner. However, the future may offer more effective treatments from the medical community than are currently available. There is currently an explosion of new technological advances that will become available over the next 10 to 15 years to assist you in your health journey. With an accelerated growth in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing rapid changes will be occurring in medicine. Researchers are right now actively pursuing high tech medical advances in stem cell research, gene editing, metabolomics (cell metabolism effects) and epigenetics (turning genes on and off) and much more that will impact your current and future health. I will try to keep you updated on safe and effective breakthroughs in these areas as they become available. But for now, it’s time to focus on the tools available to you here and now to safely and effectively address your health and long-term wellness. So let’s get started!
STEP 1. Read each one of the 9 Pillars of Health above. This information is truly invaluable for everyone desiring a life of health and wellness. You can start with reading the Bullet Points summary of each page and, when ready, dive into the details of each section.
STEP 2. Now that you have this important health knowledge, use THE TOOLS provided that will move you to OPTIMUM HEALTH. These are the critical tools that will allow you to achieve your health and wellness goals.